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A Letter to My Readers

Hello, everyone! I’m posting this blog post because I made a terrible mistake when designing my website… I forgot to ask for email addresses in my contact form! Because of this, I’ve been receiving many emails that I’ve wanted so badly to reply to but I have no way of doing so. I’m so sorry, guys!

To fix this, I’m currently working on a redesign of the entire site that will make it both easier to navigate and easier to communicate with me! In the meantime, I’m going to answer a few of the burning questions that I’ve been receiving over the past few weeks so you guys don’t feel so ignored. I love all my readers and I appreciate all the support you guys give me so the last thing I want to do is leave you in the dark. Here are some of the questions I’d like to touch on before the redesign happens:

March 5, 2014: From Stephanie

I absolutely love this site! 
What program did you use to create it?
Any tips when designing a web page?

Hello, Stephanie and thanks for writing me! My website was designed by Thought Space Designs, which is a web and graphic design firm that I work for. I did the theme design for it and my partner built it on WordPress. We make all kinds of websites, not just blogs, and we provide all kinds of graphic design services as well. Feel free to check out the website and see if there’s anything we can do for you!

My biggest tip: when it comes to designing a website, you need to focus on your readers. I know, it’s exciting to make a site for yourself and you want it to be just the way you want, but that’s not going to help you gain a following. Make your site easy to navigate, easy to read, and then focus on making it pretty around that. If it looks good but doesn’t work, then what good is it at all?

Hope this helps answer your question!

March 2, 2014: From Kelly

Where is part2?! I did the whole pattern cut out but I am not an experienced sewer and need help putting it together but can’t seem to find the rest of the tutorial.


Hi Kelly! So sorry that part 2 is not posted yet! I’ve been very busy the past few months and have a half sewn dress sitting in my sewing room waiting to be made… I also have that half written blog post called “Skater Dress Tutorial: Part 2” sitting in my drafts waiting for pictures to follow along with the instructions! My sewing machine has been broken and being so busy has kept me from sitting down and fixing it. I’m hoping to have the post out by the end of March, just in time for spring. I’m also throwing around the idea of posting it sans pictures and updating it later. I feel so bad about leaving everyone hanging on that for so long that I at least want to get the instructions out to you guys even if it’s just words. I hope this hasn’t stifled your drive to complete the project and I hope you’ll understand how much I want to finish it.

I appreciate your message and hope this helps!

I know this isn’t quite as good as sending you guys personal messages back, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m listening. I will be updating my contact form within the week to fix this issue, and hopefully introducing a new site in the spring. Hope you guys will stick with me and watch for that Part 2 tutorial and keep reading what I post in the meantime. Thanks again, readers! I love you all and want to make you as happy as possible!

-Rachel H.

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