Thank you for your interest in advertising on my site!
You may already know, but I DO NOT use 3rd party services to display the ads on my website. I personally choose what will be displayed on my website to better protect my readers and visitors. This also allows me to control the design of the ads on my site so that they compliment the content and aren’t intrusive to readers. Engaging ads that match the design of my website are more trustworthy and I believe more effective towards conversions.
If you are interested in filling an ad spot on my site, please submit the form below to have your ad reviewed. I will look over your submission and let you know if there is a good fit for your ad on my site. If you have any questions or issues with the form, please feel free to contact me.
Terms & Conditions:
I understand that there is no way to guarantee my ad on Made by Hand will lead to more page views, sales, engagement, etc.
I understand that Made by Hand is a PG-13 rated blog, so adult content is not allowed in ads displayed on the site.
I understand that my ad is being reviewed personally by Made by Hand staff, and they reserve the right to deny any ad request for any reason.
I understand that ad payments are non-refundable and I have thoroughly considered the decision to advertise on Made by Hand.
I understand that Made by Hand is a craft and DIY fashion blog, so only ads that benefit the audience of those industries are accepted.
I understand that I may be asked to update my ad image or make changes to the design in order to be approved to display it on Made by Hand.
Designated Advertisement Areas:
Top Banner Advertisement
The top banner is a horizontal, long ad banner that is displayed towards the top of every blog page on the site.
Bottom Banner Advertisement
The bottom banner is a horizontal, long ad banner that is displayed near the bottom of every blog page on the site.
Sidebar Advertisements
The sidebar advertisements are square ad banners that stack vertically along the side of every blog page on the site. There will always be a minimum of 4 square ads displayed here, and each new ad is added to the bottom of the column of ads.